ARIRANG NEWS2014.9.2---韩国浮动太阳能发电厂

ARIRANG NEWS2014.9.2---韩国浮动太阳能发电厂
Speaking of energy,... the world′s first solar plant constructed over water has started operations here in Korea. The local developers say... similar plants like this one... could one day make waves in the global energy market. Our Sohn Jung-in takes us to the plant. This is the world′s first rotating, solar power plant on water. Unlike other conventional solar facilities that are fixed on land, this module is designed to move along with the movement of the sun during the day, which increases energy-efficiency by 22 percent. The floating plant in Anseong, Gyeonggi-do Province consists of 16-hundred panels that can produce 2-thousand kilowatts of energy per day,... which is enough to supply about 200 households. The concept of movable solar panels is not new, but other versions consume a great amount of energy to rotate. This one does not. "Using water buoyancy, two motor engines are enough to operate an 8-thousand square meter generator that follows the sun′s movement to maximize efficiency." The installation can withstand winds of 50 meters per second and can adjust its level depending on water level changes. Water fountains around the module are designed to lower the temperature of the water to prevent outbreaks of algae, while also providing a beautiful lighting attraction at night. Researchers estimate that if rotating floating power plants are set up in a quarter of the total surface of reservoirs nationwide, it would generate over 5-thousand kilowatts per hour, providing a possible breakthrough in the country′s power shortage.
Sohn Jung-in, Arirang News.
說到能源,...水上建造了世界上第一個太陽能電站已經在韓國開始正式運營。 當地開發商說......像這樣類似的植物......有朝一日使全球能源市場的波瀾。 我們孫某榮在把我們帶到了工廠。 這是世界上第一個旋轉,太陽能發電的自來水廠。 不同於被固定在陸地上的其它常規的太陽能設施,該模塊設計隨著太陽在白天的運動,它由22%提高能源效率來移動。 在安城的漂浮植物,京畿道省共有16百面板,每天可以生產2萬千瓦的能量,......這是足以供應約200戶。 可移動的太陽能電池板的概念並不新鮮,但其他版本的能源消耗了大量旋轉。 這一次沒有。 “利用水的浮力,兩個電動發動機有足夠的操作有8萬平方米發生器跟隨太陽的運動,使效率最大化。” 安裝可承受每秒50米風,並且可以根據水位的變化調節其電平。 模塊周圍噴泉旨在降低水,以防止爆發藻類的溫度,同時還提供了美觀的照明吸引力在夜間。 研究人員估計,如果旋轉浮動電廠都設在四分之一水庫的總表面的全國,這將產生高達每小時5萬千瓦,為全國的電力短缺可能突破。 孫貞的,阿里郎新聞。
