NASA :Offshore Membrane Enclosure for Growing Algae

美國宇航局的科學家們提出了一個非常巧妙和足智多謀的工藝生產的“清潔能源”生物燃料,來清理污水,去除空氣中的二氧化碳,保留重要的營養物質,並且不與農業爭土 ​​地或淡水。
As a clean energy alternative, NASA invented a bioreactor that is an Offshore Membrane Enclosure for Growing Algae ( OMEGA ), an algae photo-bioreactor that grows algae in municipal wastewater to produce biofuel and a variety of other products.
作為一種清潔能源替代, 美國宇航局發明了一種生物反應器膜盒是一個海洋藻類的生長( 歐米茄 ),由藻類光生物反應器的藻類生長在市政廢水生產生物燃料和各種其他產品。

NASA plans to refine and integrate the technology into biorefineries to produce renewable energy products, including diesel and jet fuel.
Using energy from the sun, the algae absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and nutrients from the wastewater to produce biomass and oxygen.
As the algae grow, the nutrients are contained in the enclosures, while the cleansed freshwater is released into the surrounding ocean through the forward-osmosis membranes.

“The OMEGA technology has transformational powers.
“ 歐米茄技術變革的權力。
It can convert sewage and carbon dioxide into abundant and inexpensive fuels,” said Matthew Atwood, president and founder of Algae Systems.
“The technology is simple and scalable enough to create an inexpensive, local energy supply that also creates jobs to sustain it

When deployed in contaminated and “dead zone” coastal areas, this system may help remediate these zones by removing and utilizing the nutrients that cause them.
The forward-osmosis membranes use relatively small amounts of external energy compared to the conventional methods of harvesting algae, which have an energy intensive de-watering process.

Potential benefits include oil production from the harvested algae, and conversion of municipal wastewater into clean water before it is released into the ocean
.潛在的好處包括石油生產從收穫的藻類,以及城市污水轉化成清潔的水,然後它被釋放到海洋。 After the oil is extracted from the algae, the algal remains can be used to make fertilizer, animal feed, cosmetics, or other valuable products.
This successful spinoff of NASA -derived technology will help support the commercial development of a new algae-based biofuels industry and wastewater treatment.

“The reason why algae are so interesting is because some of them produce lots of oil,” said Jonathan Trent, the lead research scientist at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. “In fact, most of the oil we are now getting out of the ground comes from algae that lived millions of years ago.
Algae are still the best source of oil we know.

Algae are similar to other plants in that they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis, and use phosphates, nitrogen, and trace elements to grow and flourish.
Unlike many plants, they produce fatty, lipid cells loaded with oil that can be used as fuel.

“The inspiration I had was to use offshore membrane enclosures to grow algae.
“我的靈感是利用境外膜外殼藻類生長。 We're going to deploy a large plastic bag in the ocean, and fill it with sewage.我們要部署一個大塑料袋在海洋中,並填寫污水。
The algae use sewage to grow, and in the process of growing they clean up the sewage,” said Trent

It is a simple, but elegant concept
The bag will be made of semi-permeable membranes that allow fresh water to flow out into the ocean, while retaining the algae and nutrients.
The membranes are called “forward-osmosis membranes.” NASA is testing these membranes for recycling dirty water on future long-duration space missions.
膜被稱為“正向滲透膜。” 美國宇航局正在測試這些膜回收髒水未來長時間的太空任務。
They are normal membranes that allow the water to run one way.
它們是普通膜,使水的運行方法之一。 With salt water on the outside and fresh water on the inside, the membrane prevents the salt from diluting the fresh water.
It's a natural process, where large amounts of fresh water flow into the sea.
The algae will feed on the nutrients in the sewage, growing rich, fatty cells.
Through osmosis, the bag will absorb carbon dioxide from the air, and release oxygen and fresh water.
The temperature will be controlled by the heat capacity of the ocean, and the ocean's waves will keep the system mixed and active.

When the process is completed, biofuels will be made and sewage will be processed.
For the first time, harmful sewage will no longer be dumped into the ocean.
The algae and nutrients will be contained and collected in a bag.
Not only will oil be produced, but nutrients will no longer be lost to the sea.
According to Trent, the system ideally is fail proof.
Even if the bag leaks, it won't contaminate the local environment.
The enclosed fresh water algae will die in the ocean.

The bags are expected to last two years, and will be recycled afterwards.
The plastic material may be used as plastic mulch, or possibly as a solid amendment in fields to retain moisture.

When astronauts go into space, they must bring everything they need to survive.
Living quarters on a spaceship require careful planning and management of limited resources.
“We have to remember,” Trent said, quoting Marshall McLuhan: “we are not passengers on spaceship Earth, we are the crew.”

Teague Soderman of the NASA Lunar Science Institute had the opportunity to talk with Trent about the OMEGA project in the context of NASA space exploration.
Listen to a short audio podcast here [11:53 min— 120 MB .wav file].
聽一個簡短的音頻播客在這裡 [11:53分鐘- 120 MB的。wav文件]。
For more information about OMEGA , visit:
如需有關歐米茄 ,請訪問:
Posted by: Soderman/NLSI Staff
Source: NASA來源: 美國宇航局
Posted: Apr 1, 09:47 am
發布時間:4月1日上午9時 47分
