2031~2050年預測---Big Data

2050年---John Naisbitt :中國將成為世界新的中心
2050年---Dickson Despommier :垂直農場將問世
2050年--- 美國家大氣研究中心: 全球暖化使北半球永凍層表土層解凍
2050年---US Census Bureau :全球65歲以上人口15.3億
2050年---Ray Kurzweil預測 :電話帶來的三維全息圖像的兩個人。
2040~2050年---Dominique Moisi :西方走向沒落,中國將主宰世界

2050年---韩国农村经济研究院 :全球变暖导致韩国大米短缺
2049年---Ray Kurzweil預測 :
This food is externally indistinguishable from "natural" food, but it can be made more wholesome since production can be controlled at the molecular level.
This technology decouples food production from climate conditions and the availability of natural resources.
The distinction between virtual reality and "real" reality becomes confounded as foglets come into common use, allowing immediate assembly or disassembly of all sorts of physical objects.

2046年---Vangelia Gushterova :All bodily organs can be reproduced, becoming the easiest and most popular method of treatment.人體器官可大量生產和更換。

2045年---Ray Kurzweil預測 :
This means that average and even low-end computers are vastly smarter than even highly intelligent, unenhanced humans.
The technological singularity occurs as artificial intelligences surpass human beings as the smartest and most capable life forms on the Earth.
Technological development is taken over by the machines, who can think, act and communicate so quickly that normal humans cannot even comprehend what is going on.
The machines enter into a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, with each new generation of AIs appearing faster and faster.
From this point onwards, technological advancement is explosive, under the control of the machines, and thus cannot be accurately predicted (hence the term "Singularity").
The Singularity is an extremely disruptive, world-altering event that forever changes the course of human history.
The extermination of humanity by violent machines is unlikely (though not impossible) because sharp distinctions between man and machine will no longer exist thanks to the existence of cybernetically enhanced humans and uploaded humans.

2045年---Ray Kurzweil :人類藉助人工智慧獲得“永生”。
2043年---Jucelino :世界人口大量減少,約有80%的人死於大劫難中

2040年---Ray Kurzweil預測 :
人體 3.0是這十年期間逐步實施。
It lacks a fixed, corporeal form and can alter its shape and external appearance at will via foglet-like nanotechnology (similar to the T-1000 from Terminator 2 ).
它沒有一個固定的,有形的形式,可以改變它的形狀和外觀將通過foglet在類似納米技術(類似的T -
1000的終結者2 )。
People spend most of their time in full-immersion virtual reality (Kurzweil has cited The Matrix as a good example of what the advanced virtual worlds will be like, without the dystopian twist).
Foglets are in use. Foglets都在使用

2040---JamesLovelock :地球大災難=洪水乾旱饑荒
2039年---Jucelino :地球溫室效應將導致包括荷蘭、日本、紐西蘭、斯里蘭卡、印尼、斯拉夫、馬爾代夫等國家將逐漸從世界地圖中消失

2040年---Ray Kurzweil預測 :人類將青春永駐,屆時生物及納米科技將開創新免疫系統,讓人認清所有疾病,永遠健康。
2040年---WEB BOT預測::經濟復甦由法國,愛爾蘭開始
2035年---Peter Schwartz :全球石油產量達到顛峰
2030~2035年---John L.Petersen :一个完全电力的世界
