Weekly Global News全球周報---2015.11.8~11.14

Top Alertz2015.11.11---世界十大危桥
From the profundities of timberlands to the statures of skies, the world has different very dangerous bridges. We ought to be grateful to the human endeavors who began the idea of bridge with a reason to associate two regions or mountains. There are different things which make us choose whether to name an bridge risky or not, for example, their thinness, old development, poor material utilized etc. In any case, with the progression of time, the individuals have made some strongly excellent and safe bridges too. Still a few sections of the nations do not have the vicinity of those sheltered and beautiful bridges. From out of this world suspension bridges to frail rope spans, here are the 10 profoundly dangerous bridges on the planet.
Number 10. Ghasa Bridge, Nepal. Ghasa is an exceedingly unsafe bridge, arranged in Gus Village Nepal. Other than the way this bridge has been inadequately developed, each day the people as well as the steers cross it in a substantial number.
Number 9. Carrick-A-Rede Rope Bridge, UK. Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge is arranged in Antrim Town, Northern Ireland UK. The 21 meters in length pathway of this bridge is arranged at the stature of 30 meters.
Number 8. Vine Footpaths AKA Bridges, Japan. Vine Footpaths AKA Bridges are arranged in Ivy Valley Japan. The little bridges were set aside a few minutes for the warriors and displaced people to ensure their regions. It is arranged over the Iya River and has been dispersed with 13 inches from the two sides of the mountains.
Number 7. Taman Negara National Park Bridge, Malaysia. Taman Negara National Park Bridge is a long suspension bridge of Malaysia. Consistently many neighborhood individuals and visitors cross this bridge to reach to the opposite side of the zone. Amid the stormy season, this bridge remains to a great degree wet and is difficult to cross.
Number 6. Kakum National Park Canopy Walkway, Ghana. The fascinating yet unsafe reality about this bridge is that it is arranged in the profundities of woodlands of Ghana. The woods floor of Kakum National Park Canopy is around 76 feet. In spite of the fact that the neighborhood amusement park stays full with the vacationers however this bridge is truly difficult to cross.
Number 5. Trift Bridge, Switzerland. The Trift Bridge I arranged in the Alps of Gadmen. This is a 180 meters in length and 110 meters high bridge of Switzerland.
Number 4. Musou Tsuribashi Bridge, Japan. Musou Tsuribashi Bridge is a Japanese bridge and a standout amongst the most frightful bridges on the planet.
Number 3. Aiguille du Midi, France. The Aiguille du Midi Bridge is situated in France. In the event that you are experiencing any coronary illness, then I prescribe you to avoid the arrangement of intersection this bridge.
Number 2. Marienbruecke , Germany. The Marienbruecke Bridge is arranged in Germany. This wonderful yet dangerous bridge is developed near the Bavarian Alps, joining the bluffs of two sides with one another.
Number 1. Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan. Known as the world's most dangerous bridge, this walkway crosses Borit Lake in Pakistan and looks completely ghastly.

2015.11.10---工研院IEK :2020年物聯網產值1332億美元
-----2015年McAfee Labs :2015年可能會出現第一起物聯網(IoT)遭駭的經典案例
-----2015.2.16俄羅斯網路安全公司Kaspersky Lab卡巴斯基實驗室 :Carbanak黑客網盜10億美元, 釀史上最大銀行遭竊案
-----2015.2.16俄羅斯網路安全公司Kaspersky卡巴斯基實驗室 :NSA已經隱藏的軟件在世界各地的硬盤驅動器
-----2015.2.11駭客利用Adobe Flash漏洞偷偷將URL轉址到惡意的.SWF檔,當發現使用者裝置載入ToTD的Adobe Flash有漏洞時就會偷偷在使用者本機上載入惡意DLL檔,然後就可隨意控制該機器
-----2015.2.11北韓欲提高駭客技術 ,技術好還能補助出國進修
-----2015.1.21美國智庫戰略與國際研究中心CSIS :網路犯罪、網路間諜導致全球經濟每年損失3千億美元
-----2015.1.21普華永道 :嚴重遭駭的平均成本=小型企業介於65,000-115,000英鎊之間;大企業約60萬-115萬英鎊。
-----2015.1.7Kim Heung-kwang :平壤軍方在中國瀋陽設有負責網絡戰的「121局」
-----2014.6McAfee :全球經濟每年因駭客攻擊所蒙受的損失金額高達5,750億美元。
-----2014.5.12南韓搶攻物聯網 ,重金開發MEMS
==南韓科學與資訊科技未來規畫部(Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning,MISP)、產業通商資源部(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)宣布,將從明(2015)年起的五年期間,挪出370億美元研發物聯網相關的核心技術,其中205億韓圜開發MEMS感測器、165億韓圜開發感知寬頻裝置(broadband sensing device);另外還將從民間募集123億韓圜的資金來投入相關研究。
-----2010年1月12日,百度遭受到有史以來最為嚴重的駭客攻擊,導致1月12日早7:25-14:50長達6小時的無法存取,預估損失達700萬元人民幣。根據網頁截圖,這次攻擊來自於「伊朗網軍(Iranian Cyber Army)」。這個組織曾經在2009年12月以相似的手段攻擊過Twitter。

2015.11.10---TopTenzNet :2115年10个国家将不会存在
10. Kiribati基里巴斯
9. The Netherlands荷兰
8. The United Kingdom英国
7. Canada加拿大
6. Taiwan台湾
5. North Korea朝鲜
4. Palestine巴勒斯坦
3. Sudan苏丹
2. Haiti海地
1. Sealand西兰

-----2015.9.10Dr.馬凱教授 :裝上三個新引擎, 台灣快跑 1.將台灣重新發展成為一個規模小但附加價值高的精品世界工廠,不但立將帶來巨額直接投資與就業機會,還能打造出可大可久的發展捷徑。 2.如果將規劃已久而無寸進的桃園航空城大手筆轉化為自由經濟特區,全面對外開放,台灣經濟會立登龍門,前途無量。 3.如果百餘技職學校,量力補助,並廣招企業認養,以德國技職體系為範本,每校募得數億經費全面改造成為學子趨之若鶩的明星學校,則有效需求即可千百億擴張,爾後更有源源不絕的優秀技術人才為產業補充新血,一舉而兩得。
-----2015.2.27Dr.馬凱教授 :中國世界工廠地位不再,印度明日之星

-----5079年Vangelia Gushterova :End of the World
-----3797年Vangelia Gushterova :However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.地球徹底毀滅,人類在另一個星系中建造新家。
-----3010年Vangelia Gushterova :A comet will hit the moon一個彗星將撞擊月球。 The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.地球將被包圍的一環岩石和灰燼
-----2371年Vangelia Gushterova :World hunger世界飢餓。
-----2354年Vangelia Gushterova :An accident on the artificial sun will result in drought.一個意外的人造太陽,將導致乾旱
-----2196年Vangelia Gushterova :Asians and Europeans will be completely mixed亞洲人和歐洲人將完全混合
-----2195年Vangelia Gushterova :The sea colonies will have energy and food.海洋殖民地將能源和食品
-----2170年Vangelia Gushterova :Major drought.主要乾旱
-----2164年Vangelia Gushterova :Animals turn half-human動物轉半人
-----2150年聯合國預測 :全球人口35億
>>2070 年《自然》雜誌 :全球人口開始回落
-----2130年Vangelia Gushterova :With the help of the aliens, civilizations will live underwater.與幫助的外國人,文明將生活在水下。
-----2125年Vangelia Gushterova :Signals from Space will be received in Hungary.人類與外星人直接接觸。
-----2111年Vangelia Gushterova :People become robots人變成機器人。可能像機器人
------2100年IPCC :地球平均溫度將上升7℃
-----2100年James Lovelock :氣候變遷 世紀末剩10億人
-----2099年-Ray Kurzweil預測 :
Natural human thinking possesses no advantages over computer minds.
Machines have attained equal legal status with humans.
Humans and machines merge together in the physical and mental realms.
人類與機器融合在一起,在身體和精神境界。 Cybernetic brain implants enable humans to fuse their minds with AI's.
控制論使人類大腦植入他們的思想融合與 AI的。
In consequence, clear distinctions between humans and machines no longer exist.
Most conscious beings lack a permanent physical form.
The vast majority of the Earth's sentient beings are AI's that exist entirely as thinking computer programs capable of instantly moving from one computer to another across the Internet (or whatever equivalent exists in 2099).
絕大多數地球眾生認可機構的存在完全是思維的計算機程序能夠立即從一台計算機移動到另一個通過互聯網(或其他等值存在於 2099年)。
These computer-based beings are capable of manifesting themselves at will in the physical world by creating or taking over robotic bodies, with individual AI's also being capable of controlling multiple bodies at once.
Individual beings merge and separate constantly, making it impossible to determine how many “people” there are on Earth.
This new plasticity of consciousness and ability for beings to join minds seriously alters the nature of self-identity.
The majority of interpersonal interactions occur in virtual environments.
Actually having two people physically meet in the real world to have a conversation or transact business without any technological interference is very rare.
Organic human beings are a small minority of the intelligent life forms on Earth.
Even among the remaining Homo sapiens , the use of computerized implants that heavily augment normal abilities is ubiquitous and accepted as normal.
即使在剩下的智人 ,使用的電腦植入正常的大量增加和接受能力是無處不正常。
The small fraction of humans who opt to remain "natural" and unmodified effectively exist on a different plane of consciousness from everyone else, and thus find it impossible to fully interact with AI's and highly modified humans.
人類的一小部分選擇留誰“自然”和未修改有效地存在於不同的平面,從別人的意識,從而發現它不可能完全交互與 AI的和高度修改人類。
"Natural" humans are protected from extermination.
In spite of their shortcomings and frailties, humans are respected by AI's for giving rise to the machines.
Since knowledge and skills can be instantly downloaded and comprehended by most intelligent beings, the process of learning is compressed into an instantaneous affair instead of the years-long struggle normal humans experience.
Free from this time-consuming burden, AI's now focus their energies on making new discoveries and contributions.
AI's are capable of dividing their attention and energies in countless directions, allowing one being to manage a multitude of endeavors simultaneously.
Femtoengineering (engineering on the scale of one thousandth of a trillionth of a meter) might be possible. Femtoengineering
AI's communicate via a shared electronic language.
Artwork and music created by machines encompasses areas of the light spectrum and frequencies of sounds that normal humans cannot perceive.
Money has deflated in value.
Some humans at least as old as the Baby Boomers are still alive and well.
Computer viruses are a major threat since most intelligent beings are software-based.
AI's frequently make "backup copies" of themselves, guaranteeing a sort of immortality should the original AI be killed.
The concept of "life expectancy" has become irrelevant to humans and machines thanks to medical immortality and advanced computers.
The pace of technological change continues to accelerate as the 22nd century nears.
-----2072年Ray Kurzweil預測 :Picoengineering (技術對規模萬億分之一米)成為現實
-----2070年Ray Kurzweil預測 :計算機通過圖靈測試 ,成為第一個真正的人工智能
-----2070年OECD :台北將有43萬人被水淹
-----2060年牛顿 :世界末日
-----2055~2060年阿布杜薩馬托夫: 地球將大幅度降溫或入冰凍期
-----2059年查克-克路斯曼 :中國將在月球上建立移民基地
-----2058年Vint Cerf :運水船和水路管道取代石油基礎設施

-----2050年John Naisbitt :中國將成為世界新的中心
-----2050年Dickson Despommier :垂直農場將問世
-----2050年美國家大氣研究中心: 全球暖化使北半球永凍層表土層解凍
-----2050年US Census Bureau :全球65歲以上人口15.3億
-----2050年Ray Kurzweil預測 :電話帶來的三維全息圖像的兩個人。
-----2040~2050年Dominique Moisi :西方走向沒落,中國將主宰世界
-----2050年韩国农村经济研究院 :全球变暖导致韩国大米短缺
-----2049年Ray Kurzweil預測 :
This food is externally indistinguishable from "natural" food, but it can be made more wholesome since production can be controlled at the molecular level.
This technology decouples food production from climate conditions and the availability of natural resources.
The distinction between virtual reality and "real" reality becomes confounded as foglets come into common use, allowing immediate assembly or disassembly of all sorts of physical objects.

-----2046年Vangelia Gushterova :All bodily organs can be reproduced, becoming the easiest and most popular method of treatment.人體器官可大量生產和更換。
-----2045年Ray Kurzweil預測 :
This means that average and even low-end computers are vastly smarter than even highly intelligent, unenhanced humans.
The technological singularity occurs as artificial intelligences surpass human beings as the smartest and most capable life forms on the Earth.
Technological development is taken over by the machines, who can think, act and communicate so quickly that normal humans cannot even comprehend what is going on.
The machines enter into a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, with each new generation of AIs appearing faster and faster.
From this point onwards, technological advancement is explosive, under the control of the machines, and thus cannot be accurately predicted (hence the term "Singularity").
The Singularity is an extremely disruptive, world-altering event that forever changes the course of human history.
The extermination of humanity by violent machines is unlikely (though not impossible) because sharp distinctions between man and machine will no longer exist thanks to the existence of cybernetically enhanced humans and uploaded humans.
-----2045年Ray Kurzweil :人類藉助人工智慧獲得“永生”。
-----2043年Jucelino :世界人口大量減少,約有80%的人死於大劫難中
-----2040年Ray Kurzweil預測 :
人體 3.0是這十年期間逐步實施。
It lacks a fixed, corporeal form and can alter its shape and external appearance at will via foglet-like nanotechnology (similar to the T-1000 from Terminator 2 ).
它沒有一個固定的,有形的形式,可以改變它的形狀和外觀將通過foglet在類似納米技術(類似的T -
1000的終結者2 )。
People spend most of their time in full-immersion virtual reality (Kurzweil has cited The Matrix as a good example of what the advanced virtual worlds will be like, without the dystopian twist).
Foglets are in use. Foglets都在使用
-----2040JamesLovelock :地球大災難=洪水乾旱饑荒
-----2039年Jucelino :地球溫室效應將導致包括荷蘭、日本、紐西蘭、斯里蘭卡、印尼、斯拉夫、馬爾代夫等國家將逐漸從世界地圖中消失
-----2040年Ray Kurzweil預測 :人類將青春永駐,屆時生物及納米科技將開創新免疫系統,讓人認清所有疾病,永遠健康。
-----2040年WEB BOT預測::經濟復甦由法國,愛爾蘭開始
-----2035年Peter Schwartz :全球石油產量達到顛峰
-----2030~2035年John L.Petersen :一个完全电力的世界

-----2055年~2060年Abdul Samar Rosto :地球低溫的高峰期。
-----2015~2055年Mike Lockwood :氣候系統崩潰 ,進入太陽活動極小期的概率為10-20%
-----2050年聯合國 :受缺水之苦的全球人口將達40億人
-----2050年糧農組織:全球需水量加倍 搶水戰再起
-----2050年水資源研究 :全球 36% 人口面臨藍水和綠水危機
-----2035~2045年Abdul Samar Rosto :小冰河期.,地球15~20年的低溫期。
==太阳发光强度在2041年会降到最低点 ,,平均下降1.2~1.3摄氏度。
-----2040年中國地質科學院 :中国華北平原地下水可能枯竭
-----2040年-蘇伊士環境集團 :全球40%地區將面臨水荒問題
-----2040年JamesLovelock :地球大災難洪水乾旱饑荒
-----2035年IPCC :喜馬拉雅山冰川的絕大部分可能會消融
==每年縮小7% 導致沙塵暴肆虐西藏高原凍土可能沙化
==长江(6380公里) :青海省、西藏自治区、四川省、云南省、重庆市、湖北省、湖南省、江西省、安徽省、江苏省和上海市,贵州省、甘肃省、陕西省、河南省、广西壮族自治区、广东省、浙江省、福建省
==黄河(5464公里) :青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西、河南、山东
==湄公河(4880公里) :中国、老挝、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨和越南
==印度河(3200公里) :中國西藏 ,阿富汗 ,印度 ,巴基斯坦
==恆河(2510公里) :印度、孟加拉
==雅魯藏布江(布拉马普特拉河)(2900公里) :中國西藏、印度、孟加拉
==薩爾溫江(怒江)(2400公里) :中國、緬甸、泰國
-----2030年聯合國氣象報告 :恆河源頭冰川將徹底消失
-----2030年世界水資源開發報告 :全球47%人口居住在用水高度緊張地區.預計將有2400萬~7億人口因缺水而背井離鄉
-----2030年FC :人類將面臨水資源危機
-----2030年聯合國組織 :地球生態惡化嚴重缺水
-----2030年John Beddington :糧食水電短缺 全球面臨動盪
-----2030年NIC :中國水荒糧缺,中國水資源將耗盡
-----2028年洛桑國際管理學院 :地球平均溫度上升攝氏 0.6度
-----2025年聯合國 :旱災不斷 70%土地沙漠化
-----2025年世界人口將達到83億 全球三分之一人口缺水

-----2055年~2060年Abdul Samar Rosto :地球低溫的高峰期。
-----2015~2055年Mike Lockwood :氣候系統崩潰 ,進入太陽活動極小期的概率為10-20%
-----2035~2045年Abdul Samar Rosto :小冰河期.,地球15~20年的低溫期。
--太阳发光强度在2041年会降到最低点 ,,平均下降1.2~1.3摄氏度。
-----2027年Jucelino :地球寒冷化刺面臨一個新的冰河期
-----2014.1.19英國雷丁大學Mike Lockwood :低溫將影響全球大氣急流,導致氣候系統崩潰,40年之內進入太陽活動極小期的概率為10-20%
-----2014.1.18倫敦大學學院的研究員Lucie Green :2013年整年觀測到的太陽黑子數量,以及太陽的活動頻率,都是百年來最為微弱的時刻,這和Maunder Minimum時,所觀察到的數據相當相近,太陽活動的變化,將影響氣候出現重大的變遷,17世紀「小冰河期」的氣候狀況,也可能再度出現。
-----2012年John L.Petersen :冰川时代开启
-----2007.6.18俄羅斯天文台宇宙研究实验室主任Abdul Samar Rostov :6年之後全球不是變暖而是進入一個較長時期的低溫期
-----1645年~1715年「蒙德極小期」(Maunder Minimum)
--科學家Edward Walter Maunder研究發現,1645年到1715年間,觀測到的太陽黑子數量非常稀少,而這段時期後來就被稱為「蒙德極小期」(Maunder Minimum)。同時期的資料也顯示,歐美各地氣溫異常寒冷,進入「小冰河期」,根據史料記載,當時連倫敦泰晤士河都凍到結冰。
1580~1644年---小冰河期 (Little Ice Age)
西元前11萬~ 1萬2千年---Würm沃姆冰期
西元前38萬~ 20萬年---Mindel-Riss民德-里斯間冰期
西元前45萬5千~ 38萬年---Mindel民德冰期
西元前62萬~ 45萬5千年---Günz-Mindel古薩-民德間冰期
西元前80萬~60萬年---Pastonian interglacial冰期
西元前130萬~ 80萬年---Pre-Pastonian glaciation冰期
西元前155萬~130萬年---Bramertonian Interglacial冰期
西元前8億 ~ 6億3千5百萬年---Cryogenian瓦蘭吉爾冰期

-----Weekly Global News全球周報---2015.11.8~11.14

-----Weekly Global News全球周報---2015.11.8~11.14






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