
The U.S. Navy’s Freedom class littoral combat ship, a revolutionary surface combatant being built by a Lockheed Martin team achieved multiple operational and production milestones in 2014. Following USS Freedom’s return from deployment, the team laid the keel for LCS 11; christened and launch LCS 7; and deployed USS Fort Worth on a 16-month deployment to Southeast Asia. The LCS team is delivering on its commitment to building the agile, affordable next generation warships that the U.S. Navy needs.
美国海军的自由级濒海战斗舰,一个革命性的水面舰艇由洛克希德·马丁公司团队正在建造于2014年取得了多个运营和生产里程碑继USS自由的调配而成的回报,球队奠定了龙骨LCS 11;命名并推出LCS 7;并部署了USS沃斯堡在16个月的部署到东南亚。 LCS团队正在实现其建设,美国海军需要灵活,经济实惠的新一代战舰的承诺。
