2015~2060年地鐵系統---Big Data

==在市中心4條地鐵(Piccadilly, Central, Waterloo&City, Bakerloo)投入250列新款無人駕駛地鐵,提升25%的載客量。
==新的設計打通了地鐵各車廂,不再設置單獨封閉的一節一節車廂,從而空出更多空間設置座位﹔地鐵的門也擴得更大,改成向兩邊打開,這將 大大加快上下車速度﹔
==未來倫敦地鐵將全面具備空調系統,同時傳將提供免費 WiFi
-----2003年起,倫敦地鐵成為倫敦交通局的一部分,該公司同時營運市內巴士(包括倫敦著名的紅色雙層巴士)及倫敦地上鐵系統。 倫敦地鐵是國際地鐵聯盟的成員之一
-----1863年1月10日倫敦地鐵通車=倫敦地鐵(英文:London Underground)是英國倫敦的城市軌道交通系統。地鐵車輛在倫敦市中心地底運行,至郊區在地面運行,其中地面運行線路佔55%。倫敦地鐵在英文中別稱The Tube(管),名稱來源於車輛在像管道一樣的圓形隧道裡行駛。


2015.1.28---Fordor Traver :世界上最好的地鐵系統
Though New Yorkers may complain about the subway, the New York City transit system is in fact one of the best in the world, thanks to its wide reach and the fact that it runs 24 hours a day—barring extreme weather, that is. Part of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the largest transportation network in North America, the subway opened in October 1904 and provides easy access to Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens. It's so expansive that if all of NYC’s subway tracks were laid out end-to-end, they would stretch from New York City to Chicago. Featuring 21 routes, approximately 1.7 billion people use the subway’s 468 stations each year, making it the most-used system in the U.S. Always making improvements, the MTA opened the new Fulton Center transit hub late last year; the staion features a massive skylight to brighten up the commute.

Known coloquially as the Tube, the London Underground is the oldest underground railway in the world, dating back to 1863. The first electric line debuted in 1905, and today the Tube travels an average of 20.5 miles per hour through 270 stations. With plans in the works to update the system to stay ahead of the curve, Transport for London hopes to add 250 trains to select system lines, create air-cooled carriages, and increase accessibility and reliability to carry trains through the 2060s. A number of notable names have taken historic trips on the Tube: Queen Elizabeth II became the first member of the British royal family to ride the system when she sat on the Victoria Line after it opened in 1969, and Mark Twain was one of the first passengers to ride the Central Line when it opened in 1900.

The Paris Metro is one of the densest subway systems in the world, with just over 132 miles of tracks running through 245 stations within the 40 square miles that make up Paris. Dating back to July 1900, the system is known for its notable Art Nouveau-styled entrances, designed by Hector Guimard, though only a few remain in existence today. The Greater Paris Metro project is in the works to upgrade the entire subway network, which more than 1.5 billion people use each year, by 2040.

The Moscow Metro provides transportation to more than 2.4 billion people each year (9 million on a daily basis), making it the busiest European system. It’s also one of the most beautiful, featuring marble and bronze designs, stained-glass windows, and chandeliers. The Aquarelle Train, which was added to the system in 2007, even features framed artwork inside and an elaborate design on the outer shell. Additional stations and trains are frequently added to the system to continue to update the metro system and ease transportation, with plans to add 90 miles of lines by 2020.

Also known as the world’s longest art exhibit (running more than 68 miles), this Swedish metro system features sculptures, paintings, installations, and unique, elaborate designs from more than 150 artists at most of the stations throughout Stockholm. Some highlights of Stockholm’s Tunnelbana, which dates back to the 1950s, are the Kungsträdärden station, designed to resemble an archaeological dig, and the Östermalmstorg station, which celebrates women’s rights.

With free WiFi available in all of its stations, in addition to its reputation for being clean, cheap, and reliable, Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway is the envy of many across the globe. With a 99.9 percent on-time rate, more than 1.5 billion people take advantage of the system each year and praise it as the gold standard of subway systems. Made up of 10 lines and 87 stations, the rail system first opened in 1979. When visiting, you can purchase a refillable Octopus card, which is used on the subway and other forms of public transit (with discounts on the normal fare), in addition to select grocery stores, Starbucks, and fast food restaurants.

With more than 3.2 billion passengers each year, the Beijing Subway is the second-busiest in the world. The subway is continuing to adjust to keep up with the city's growing population: In December 2014, Beijing opened 37 miles of new tracks, in addition to the 235 miles added between 2007 and 2014, leading to a reach of 327 miles total—making Beijing the second-longest system in the world. And it’s only getting bigger, with plans to continue expanding over the next two years.

Since opening in 1927, Tokyo’s Metro has grown into the busiest one in the world, with more than 3.3 billion using the rails each year and more than 8.7 million every day. While the result is crowded cars (with official “pushers” who work to fit everyone safely onto the train), the system operates smoothly, with trains that move quickly and arrive on time and lines and arrows on the ground telling people waiting where to stand. The 102 metro lines span 200 miles.
自开业于1927年,东京的地铁已经成长为最繁忙的一个在全球拥有超过330十亿使用每年有超过870万,每天的铁轨和。而结果是拥挤的车(有正式的“拆家”是谁合作,以安全地适应每个人上了火车),系统运行平稳,与移动快速,准时到达告诉人们等待在那里站火车和线条和箭头在地上。 102地铁线路跨越200英里。
Featuring a number of luxury amenities, such as heated seats, TV screens with announcements and news, and plenty of legroom, the Seoul Subway has many fans across the globe. With reasonably priced fares, more than 2.5 billion people use the city’s subway transit every year. While you’re traveling, be sure to enjoy the view between the Hapjeong and Dangsan stops on Line 2, where the train travels above ground with a great view of the National Assembly. The Gyeongbokgung Station on Line 3 features artifacts from various Korean dynasties and displays from the Seoul Metro Art Center.

Also known as the Subte, the Buenos Aires Underground first opened its doors in 1913, making it the oldest subway system in South America. If you travel on Line A, you can still board one of the historic train cars. Now the Subte has 83 stations and six train lines, with more than 252 million riding the system each year. The efficient system allows unlimited transfers between lines, a new feature that began in June 2014.

When construction on the Athens Metro began in 1992, builders also took part in the largest archaeological excavation of a modern city, which led to the discovery and preservation of more than 50,000 artifacts from the classical Greek, Byzantine, and Roman periods. Today, these items are on display in metro stations throughout Greece. The Athens Metro system, which has reduced traffic and smog in the area since its establishment, is made up of three rail lines and 65 stations, with more still in the works today. The trains travel up to 60 miles per hour beneath the historic city, meaning you're guarenteed to get to your destination with plenty of time to spare.

When construction began in 1896, Budapest became the first city in Europe to build a Metro system. Today, the Budapest Metro contains 52 stations and four train lines. The Szent Gellért tér and Fővám tér stations were rewarded for their impressive design at the Architizer A+ Awards, which recognize the best architecture across the world. These two stations are part of the newly added fourth line, which incorporates Budapest trivia into the station designs.
当建设始于1896年,布达佩斯成为欧洲第一个城市建立一个地铁系统。今天,布达佩斯地铁包含52站和4个火车线路。该森特盖勒特TER和FővámTER站进行奖励他们在筑A +大奖,其中一项最好的建筑在世界各地令人印象深刻的设计。这两个站是新加入的第四行,它结合了布达佩斯琐事入站设计的一部分。

Named the world’s best metro in 2008 and 2010, this driverless system runs 24 hours a day around Copenhagen. Newly developed with advanced technology, the Copenhagen Metro opened in 2002 and has since grown to 22 stations (with nine underground and 13 above ground). The system’s two lines take visitors from the Copenhagen Airport and Vestamager to the heart of the city and the outer suburbs, with plans to add more stations with a circular line in 2019. The efficient system holds trains that travel an average speed of 25 miles per hour.

With its distinctive yellow trains, the Berlin U-Bahn stands out from the rest. Dating back to 1902, the U-Bahn is one of the oldest systems in Europe and, today, is made up of 143 stations that span 90 miles. Berlin has an entire museum dedicated to preserving the metro system's history, so visitors can travel to the U-Bahn-Museum, located at a former signal tower at the Olympiastadion, for a blast from the past.

The sixth-longest subway system in the world, the Madrid Metro spans more than 182 miles. More than 1.5 billion people ride this system in Spain each year, but the more impressive statistics come from the metro stations themselves, which are so large they can hold sizeable public gatherings. In 2011, a three-day fitness festival for women that drew more than 2,600 visitors was held in the Nuevos Ministerios station. And the Opera Station contains a 200-square-foot archaeological museum. The system also holds the record for most escalators in metro stations, with 1,656 in total.
第六最长的地铁系统在世界上,在马德里地铁跨越多个182英里。超过1.5十亿人每年乘坐此系统在西班牙,但更令人印象深刻的统计数据来自于地铁站本身,它是如此之大,他们可以容纳相当大的公众集会。 2011年,一个为期三天的节日健身妇女,吸引了2600多名游客在Nuevos Ministerios地铁站举行。和歌剧院站包含一个200平方英尺的考古博物馆。该系统还适用于大部分自动扶梯在地铁站,在总共1656记录。
With an impressive 94 percent customer satisfaction rate, the Taipei Metro system is clearly doing something right. With clean stations and punctual trains, the system also boasts easy-to-use ticket machines and reliable TV screens with projected arrival times (for connecting trains as well). The Taipei system transports more than 1.1 million people every day to 69 stations throughout the city.

The Guangzhou Metro system has expanded rapidly over the last couple of years. With its first line opening in 1997, the city invested more than $11 billion to improve the system in time for the 2010 Asian Games. Now, the metro holds eight lines and 144 stations. The system also boasts a 48-minute express trip to Hong Kong.

More than 600 million people ride the Singapore Mass Rapid Transit, which has won MetroRail Awards for being energy-efficient and technologically innovative, each year. With gorgeous views, the Singapore MRT is known for its clean and reliable transportation. Aside from taxis, it’s also the quickest way to get around the city.

Although it only has close to 50 miles of tracks, the Sao Paulo Metro transports more than 4.6 million riders every day. After opening its doors in September 1972, the metro has become one of the largest in South America, transporting people both underground and above ground in this Brazilian city. Art displays, featuring the work of Marcelo Nitsche, Renina Katz, and more, are integrated throughout about 37 of the stations.

While it’s still a work-in-progress (the first ten stations opened in 2009), the Dubai Metro system is already known across the world for its driverless features and unique station designa. Each station in the system is created to look like one of the four elements (water, earth, air, and fire). Unlike most other cities, the Dubai trains have class-designated metro system, with a Gold Class (featuring leather seats and armrests), a Silver Class, and a Women and Children Class. The Dubai Metro system has already become the world’s longest automated transit system.

2015.1.20---Thrillist :10大特色地鐵
4.阿拉伯聯合大公國、杜拜,Burj Khalifa車站
跟哈里發塔同時落成的Burj Khalifa車站,是杜拜最繁忙的地鐵站之一。車站的設計延續到整個地鐵鐵系統。車站還有近1公里長的行人天橋連接臨近的杜拜購物中心,相當於10個足球場的長度。不過別擔心,天橋可是有冷氣的。
6.新加坡,Expo MRT 車站
Expo MRT車站是為了紓解臨近的新加坡會展中心的人潮,但金屬的天棚可不是裝飾品。在售票處上方的幽浮形狀圓盤,可將旅客送到月台上,除此之外,車站大廳上方長達兩公尺長的金屬頂棚,還可將日光反射,使得車站氣溫比街上還涼爽。
7.法國、巴黎,Arts et Métiers車站
8.德國、漢堡,HafenCity Universität車站
9.俄國、莫斯科,Park Pobedy車站
大部份的莫斯科地鐵站看起來與其說是大眾運輸車站,還不如說是共產主義的博物館。不鏽鋼、從地板到天花板的大理石雕花。Park Pobedy車站的不同處在於它是最深的地鐵站,是全球第三深的地鐵站。也因此他有全歐洲最長的手扶梯,需要花費3分鐘時間搭乘。

