Business Insider2015.1.29---世界15个最不自由国家

Business Insider2015.1.29---世界15个最不自由国家
Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka heads an authoritarian regime notorious for crushing any and all forms of political dissent. Term limits don't exist and key opposition figures are often prevented from running for office, according to Freedom House. As a result, opposition parties have no representation in the Belarusian National Assembly. Belarusian national television is controlled by the government and dissenting views are not presented. As more and more Belarusians gain access to the internet, the government is trying to expand its control to the web. Social networking sites are blocked, and online opposition activists are regularly harassed and threatened.
白俄罗斯总统亚历山大·卢卡申科领导的独裁政权臭名昭著的粉碎任何和一切形式的持不同政见者。 任期限制是不存在的和关键反对派人物往往阻止竞选公职,根据自由之家。这样一来,反对党在白俄罗斯国民议会没有代表。 白俄罗斯国家电视台是由政府控制的不同意见都没有出现。随着越来越多的白俄罗斯人获得对互联网的访问,中国政府正在努力扩大其控制的网络。社交网站被封锁,并在网上反对派活动分子经常受到骚扰和威胁。

Feial Omar/ReutersA Somali government soldier stands guard near blind-folded suspects detained during a security operation against suspected militant Islamist group al Shabaab sympathisers in Hodan district of the capital Mogadishu, December 8, 2014. The political process in anarchic Somalia is largely driven by clan loyalty, according to Freedom House. While Somalia's current parliament is highly regarded by the international community, Somali citizens exercise little power over the system and have limited, if any, access to their representatives. Somalia's new government, which took power last December, also controls the media with a heavy hand. Somalia is plagued by lawlessness: though technically illegal, female genital mutilation is still widely practiced on nearly all young Somali girls. The prevalence of armed groups like the jihadist organization al Shabaab, and the government's relatively limited ability to counter them, makes the state of civil and political rights incredibly dire even without an oppressive state apparatus.
Feial奥马尔/ ReutersA索马里政府军士兵守卫在附近的首都摩加迪沙,2014年12月8日的霍丹区对涉嫌激进伊斯兰组织青年党的同情者安全操作过程中被拘留的盲折叠嫌疑人。 在无政府状态的索马里政治进程主要是由氏族忠诚度驱动,根据自由之家。 尽管索马里目前的国会是高度重视的国际社会,索马里公民行使什么权力在制度和有限的,如果有的话,获得他们的代表。 索马里新政府,其执政去年十二月,也可以控制媒体出重手。索马里困扰无法无天:虽然在技术上不合法,切割女性生殖器的做法仍然很普遍在几乎所有年轻女孩的索马里。 武装团体如圣战组织青年党和政府来对抗它们相对有限能力的盛行,使得公民权利和政治权利难以置信的可怕,即使没有压迫的状态,设备的状态。

13.Equatorial Guinea几内亚
Rebecca Blackwell/APSoccer fans without match tickets are held back by riot police as they try to approach Malabo Stadium. Political opposition in Equatorial Guinea is limited and kept under strict control by the regime, according to Freedom House. The ruling party has almost complete control over the media, judiciary, police, and military. Corruption is rampant. Press censorship by the government is authorized under a 1992 law, Facebook is blocked, and libel is a criminal offense. The government engages in arbitrary arrests and frequently detains its political opponents on charges of "destabilization."
丽贝卡·布莱克威尔/ APSoccer球迷没有比赛门票都忍住了防暴警察,因为他们试图接近马拉博体育场。 赤道几内亚反对党根据自由之家有限,严格控制了政权。执政党几乎完全控制了媒体,司法,警察和军队。腐败猖獗。 由政府新闻审查是根据1992年的法律授权,Facebook正在受阻,而诽谤是一种犯罪行为。政府从事任意逮捕和拘留频繁的政治对手,罪名是“不稳定”。

12.South Sudan南苏丹
Flickr/Steve EvansA South Sudanese man holds a gun in his village. South Sudan achieved independence from Sudan in 2011, but political violence and mass killings along ethnic lines threatened to make it a failed state, according to Freedom House. The President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, has sweeping powers and cannot be impeached. In 2013, Kiir dismissed his entire cabinet and the vice president, while opposition parties still have virtually no real political power. Security forces operate with impunity and serious abuses are regularly carried out against civilians with the full knowledge or on the orders of senior commanders.
Flickr的/史蒂夫EvansA南苏丹人在自己的村庄枪。 南苏丹从苏丹在2011年获得独立,但政治暴力和大屠杀的族系扬言要使它成为一个失败的国家,根据自由之家。 总统南苏丹萨尔瓦·基尔,拥有广泛的权力,不能被弹劾。在2013年,基尔驳回了他的整柜及副总裁,而反对党仍然有几乎没有真正的政治权力。 安全部队活动而不受惩罚和严重侵犯人权,定期开展针对平民的充分认知或高级指挥官的命令。

Emma Farge/ReutersA Chadian soldier poses at dusk in front of the arch of Place de La Nation in Djamena October 28, 2014. Chad has never held entirely free and fair elections, according to Freedom House. President Idriss Déby, a former military commander, ousted dictator Hissène Habré in 1990 has been president ever since. Déby has complete control over the judicial and legislative branches of government, and his ethnic group — the Zaghawa — controls Chad’s political and economic systems. This has fomented resentment among the more than 200 ethnic groups that live in Chad. Chad is a notorious source, transit, and destination country for child trafficking, a problem the government has done little to address.
艾玛·法尔热/ ReutersA乍得士兵构成黄昏在民族广场的Djamena拱2014年10月28日前。 乍得从未完全举行自由和公正的选举,根据自由之家。总统伊德里斯·代比,前军事指挥官,被赶下台的独裁者侯赛因·哈布雷1990年一直以来都是总裁。 代比完全控制了政府的司法和立法部门,和他的族群 - 扎格哈瓦 - 控制乍得的政治和经济制度。这煽动不满生活在乍得超过200个民族之一。 乍得是一个臭名昭著的来源,中转国和目的地贩卖儿童的国家,出了问题,政府已采取什么行动来解决。

10.Central African Republic中非共和国
Flickr/hdptcarRebels at a camp in north-eastern Central African Republic. A coup by the rebel group Séléka in March 2013 left the already poverty-stricken Central African Republic highly unstable and isolated by the international community. The current regime is nontransparent and unelected. The proliferation of armed groups throughout the country — including combatants from the Lord’s Resistance Army in the southeast — has become a serious problem: the UN estimates that up to 6,000 children are currently fighting for one of C.A.R.'s rebel factions, according to Freedom House.
Flickr的/ hdptcarRebels在东北中非共和国阵营。 反叛集团塞雷卡2013年3月政变留下的已经贫困中非共和国极不稳定和孤立于国际社会。目前的制度是不透明和非选举产生。 武装团体在全国各地泛滥 - 包括东南从上帝抵抗军的战斗 - 已经成为一个严重的问题:联合国估计,多达6,000名儿童目前正在争取的CAR的叛军派别之一,根据自由之家。

Flickr/United Nations PhotoInternally Displaced Persons (IDPs) at Zam Zam camp outside El Fasher, Sudan. Sudan's first multiparty elections in 24 years were held in 2010 but failed to meet international standards for fair and free elections, according to Freedom House. Sudan is considered one of the world's most corrupt countries. Favored ethnic groups have tight control over the national economy, while other groups remain neglected and impoverished. A government-appointed Press Council regulates the media, and the law prohibits conversion to any religion other than Islam. The regime in Khartoum is also undertaking brutal counter-insurgency campaigns in Darfur, Blue Nile, and Southern Khordofan, with 450,000 people displaced by fighting in Darfur in 2014 alone.
Flickr的/联合国PhotoInternally流离失所者(国内流离失所者)在法希尔,苏丹境外扎姆扎姆营地。 24年来苏丹的第一个多党选举举行了2010年,但未能达到国际标准的公平和自由的选举,根据自由之家。 苏丹被认为是世界上最腐败的国家之一。有利于民族都有严格控制国家经济,而其他团体依然被忽视和贫困。政府委任的报业评议会规定了媒体和法律禁止转换比伊斯兰教以外的任何宗教。 喀土穆政权也进行残酷的肃反运动在达尔富尔,青尼罗河和南部Khordofan,有45万人在达尔富尔仅在2014年的战斗而流离失所。

Flickr/Chris SchueppYoung students in a school in Tashkent, Uzbekistan cover their mouths with tape as part of a UNICEF-supported project empowering young people to participate more actively in the media. Uzbekistan's government has suppressed all political opposition. Activists and journalists in the country face physical violence, prosecution, fines, and arbitrary detention. There are also no free elections, according to Freedom House. Free speech is severely restricted to the point that recording artists must obtain special licenses from the government to perform in public. Forced labor is also a serious problem: the US State Department found in 2014 that “Uzbekistan remains one of only a handful of governments around the world that subjects its citizens to forced labor through implementation of state policy.”
Flickr的/克里斯SchueppYoung学生在一所学校在塔什干,乌兹别克斯坦捂嘴巴用胶带为联合国儿童基金会支持的项目赋予年轻人更积极地参与媒体的一部分。 乌兹别克斯坦政府镇压一切政治反对派。活动家和新闻记者在国内面临暴力,起诉,罚款和任意拘留。还有没有自由选举,根据自由之家。 言论自由受到严格限制到录音艺术家必须获得特别许可,从政府的公开演出的地步。 强迫劳动也是一个严重的问题:美国国务院在2014年发现,“乌兹别克斯坦仍只有极少数的科目公民强迫劳动,通过实施国家政策,世界各国政府之一。”

Flickr/Martha de Jong-LantinkOnafhankelijkheids monument in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan None of Turkmenistan’s elections since the country achieved independence in 1991 have been free or fair, according to Freedom House. President Berdymukhammedov rules with an authoritarian hand, and it is well known that many public officials bribed their way into office. Things as simple as attending university or receiving medical care typically require some kind of bribe and arbitrary evictions and confiscation of property are commonplace. The government controls nearly all broadcast and print media. The country's main internet service provider is also run by the government, which routinely blocks websites it deems undesirable.
Flickr的/玛莎·德容,LantinkOnafhankelijkheids纪念碑在土库曼斯坦阿什哈巴德 没有因为该国在1991年取得独立土库曼斯坦的选举是自由公正的,或根据自由之家。 别尔德穆哈梅多夫总统规则,独裁的手,这是众所周知的,很多政府官员行贿的方式进入办公室。事情就这么简单就读大学或接受治疗通常需要某种形式的贿赂和任意驱逐和没收财产是家常便饭。 政府控制着几乎所有的广播和印刷媒体。该国主要的互联网服务提供商也由政府,经常阻止网站也认为不可取运行

Claudia Daut/ReutersWives and other female relatives of 59 imprisoned Cuban dissidents protest outside a church in Havana March 18, 2007. Cuba has become more free since Fidel Castro stepped down as president in 2008, but is still considered "not free" by Freedom House's standards.Cuba's one-party political system is dominated by the Communist Party. Political dissent is a punishable offense, and the Cuban government has continued its use of short-term “preventative” detentions to intimidate the opposition.The Cuban news media is owned and run by the state and few Cubans have access to the Internet since it is so expensive — one hour of computer time at an internet café costs the equivalent of a week’s average salary.
克劳迪娅·达乌特/ ReutersWives和59囚禁古巴持不同政见者的其他女性亲属在哈瓦那一所教堂外抗议2007年3月18日。 古巴已变得更加自由,因为菲德尔·卡斯特罗在2008年卸任总统,但仍然被认为是“不自由”自由之家的标准。 古巴的一党政治制度是由共产党统治。政治异议是一个惩罚的罪行,而古巴政府继续利用短期“预防性”拘留恐吓反对派。 古巴新闻媒体的拥有和运行状态,很少有古巴人上网的,因为它是如此昂贵的 - 在一个网吧一个小时计算机的时间花费了一周的平均工资的等价物。

5.Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯
Faisal Al Nasser/ReutersMembers of Saudi special forces stand guard during a training session in Darma. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy with a legal system based on Sharia law. The Koran and the Sunna (the traditions of the prophet Muhammad) are the country’s constitution and political dissent is criminalized, according to Freedom House. Members of the Saudi royal family own stakes in news outlets in multiple countries and they largely control domestic media content. Journalists and activists have been jailed for expressing dissent online. All Saudis are required by law to be Muslims, and the public practice of any religion other than Islam is strictly forbidden. Shiites and Sufis are heavily restricted in their worship. Women are not permitted to drive cars or leave the home without a male relative accompanying them.
在达玛培训会议期间,费萨尔·纳赛尔/沙特特种部队ReutersMembers站岗。 沙特阿拉伯是一个绝对君主制与基于伊斯兰教法的法律制度。可兰经和圣训(先知穆罕默德的传统)是国家的宪法和持不同政见者的犯罪行为,根据自由之家。 沙特王室自己股份的成员在新闻媒体在多个国家,他们主要是控制国内的媒体内容。记者和活动人士被监禁在网上表达异议。 所有沙特人按法律规定是穆斯林,而且比其他伊斯兰教任何宗教的公益实践是严格禁止的。什叶派和苏菲被严格限制在他们的崇拜。妇女不允许开车或离开家里没有男性亲属陪同他们。

REUTERS/Mahmoud Hebbo Group 16 fighters, part of the Free Syrian Army, rest with their weapons during what activists said were violent clashes with forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Ashrafieh, Aleppo January 25, 2015. Syria's collapse into civil war has produced more than 2 million refugees, 5 million internally displaced persons, and nearly 130,000 fatalities, according to Freedom House. President Bashar al-Assad's attempts to defeat Syria's armed factions have resulted in the indiscriminate killing of civilians using air strikes, artillery bombardments, and chemical weapons. Tens of thousands of people have been arrested and tortured since the uprising began in 2011 and Syrian journalists are frequently kidnapped and executed.
REUTERS /马哈茂德Hebbo 集团16战机,自由叙利亚军的一部分,在什么活动家说是暴力冲突与军队忠于叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德在Ashrafieh地区,阿勒颇2015年1月25日休息与他们的武器。 叙利亚的崩溃陷入内战已生产200多万难民,500万境内流离失所者,以及近13万死亡,根据自由之家。 总统巴沙尔·阿萨德的尝试击败叙利亚的武装派别已经导致滥杀使用空袭,炮击和化学武器的平民。数千数万人已被逮捕和拷打自起义开始于2011年和叙利亚的记者经常绑架和处决。

Flickr/Charles RoffeyShepherds in Southern Eritrea. This small east African nation has been designated "not free" by Freedom House for the 16th consecutive year. Eritrea has only one real political party — the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice — which is subordinate to longtime President Isaias Afwerki, who was not democratically elected, according to Freedom House. Afwerki's rule has taken a harshly authoritarian turn since 2000. Independent media is prohibited from operating in Eritrea and the government currently controls all broadcasting outlets. Academic and religious freedom is also constrained, and citizens have limited freedom of movement in and out of the country.
Flickr的/查尔斯RoffeyShepherds南厄立特里亚。 这个小东非国家已指定“不自由”自由之家的第16个年头。 厄立特里亚只有一个真正的政党 - 人民阵线民主和正义 - 这是从属于长期总统伊萨亚斯,谁没有民主选举产生,根据自由之家。 费沃基的规则已采取了严厉的专制转向自2000年独立的媒体是从厄立特里亚禁止经营和政府目前控制的所有广播网点。学术和宗教的自由,也制约,公民出入国限制行动自由。

REUTERS/Claro CortesChinese soldiers. China's president Xi Jingping launched an aggressive anti-graft campaign in 2013, promising to crack down on corrupt officials and business leaders both at home and abroad. This campaign has come at the expense of civil and political liberties, according to Freedom House, and judicial oversight of party actions has been notably absent since the campaign began. Civil society organizations, labor leaders, and academics are regularly investigated and often harassed by government officials. The Chinese Communist Party does not tolerate any form of organized opposition — more than 190 political reform activists were detained during 2014 alone.
REUTERS / Claro的CortesChinese士兵。 中国国家主席习近平在2013年推出了一个积极反贪运动,承诺打击在国内和国外的腐败官员和商界领袖。 这项活动已经在公民和政治自由的代价,根据自由之家,和党的行为的司法监督已经明显缺少,因为在运动开始。民间社会组织,劳工领袖和学者定期调查,往往是政府官员的骚扰。 中国共产党不会容忍任何形式的有组织的反对派 - 仅在2014年超过190政治改革活动家被拘留。

1.North Korea朝鲜
REUTERS/KCNANorth Korean leader Kim Jong Un (C) pays his respects to North Korean founder Kim Il Sung and his father Kim Jong Il at Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, in this January 1, 2015 photo. North Korea, which functions as a single-party state under a totalitarian family dictatorship, is the least free country in the world, according to Freedom House. Corruption and bribery are pervasive at every level of the state and the economy. Internet access is restricted to a few thousand, high-ranking people, and academic freedom does not exist: all curriculum must be approved by the state. All forms of protest and collective bargaining are illegal and there is no independent judiciary. Political dissidents are either executed or sent to prison camps, where many of them die from extreme hunger or exhaustion.
REUTERS / KCNANorth朝鲜领导人金正恩(C)支付他的敬意朝鲜创始人金日成和父亲金正日在锦绣山太阳宫,在这个2015年1月1日的照片。 朝鲜,这下一个极权专制的家庭充当一党制国家,是最自由的国家在世界上,根据自由之家。 腐败和贿赂普遍存在于国家和经济的各个层面。上网仅限于几千元,高层人士,和学术自由不存在:所有的课程都要由国家批准。 各种形式的抗议和集体谈判是非法的,并没有独立的司法机构。持不同政见者要么执行或送到战俘营,在那里从极度饥饿或疲惫许多人死亡。

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