BAE Systems---2040年飞机分离系统

BAE Systems---2040年飞机分离系统
Scientists and engineers at BAE Systems have lifted the lid on some futuristic technologies that could be incorporated in military and civil aircraft of 2040 or even earlier. The Transformer is a flexible aircraft system that combines smaller jets for more efficient travel, before having them split apart to quickly adapt to any scenario. The concept can be tailor-made to suit any scenario. For longer journeys, smaller sub-aircraft can be combined together during travel, to increase the range of the jet and save fuel through reducing 'drag'. Once they have reached their objective however, the craft can then split off and adapt to any given situation -- whether that is going on the offensive if threatened, or performing functional tasks such as surveillance or the dropping of supplies.
科学家和工程师在BAE系统公司已经取消了对一些可能在2040年甚至更早的军用和民用飞机被纳入未来技术的盖子。 变压器是一种灵活的飞机系统,结合更有效的旅游小飞机,让他们分道扬镳,迅速适应任何方案之前。 这个概念可以量身订做,以适应任何场景。长途旅行,更小的子机可以一起行进期间结合,以增加喷射的范围内,并通过减少“拖”节省燃料。 一旦他们可是达到了目标,工艺就可以分离出来,适应任何情况下 - 这是否会在进攻上,如果受到威胁,或执行功能任务,如监视或供应的下降。
