Calgary Dollars---加拿大卡尔加里

ormitausa — 西元2008年12月07日 — Calgary Dollars are a local currency in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. While functioning as a limited form of currency within Calgary, they are not a legal tender nor are they backed by a national government. Instead, the currency serves (according to their proponents) as a tool for community economic development as well as a focus for community building. The Calgary Dollars organization considers its local currency to be implicitly sanctioned by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) based on a CRA publication which discusses the taxation of "credit units possessing a notional monetary unit value" used as a medium of exchange by local barter groups.
ormitausa - 西元2008年12月07日 - 卡尔加里美元是在卡尔加里,加拿大当地货币。虽然作为货币在卡尔加里有限形式运作,他们不是一个法定货币,也不是由一个国家政府的支持。相反,货币供应(根据他们的支持者),作为社区经济发展的工具,以及作为社区建设的重点。该组织认为卡尔加里美元的当地货币为含蓄由加拿大税务局(CRA)的有关信贷资料服务机构的出版物,讨论了“信贷持有名义货币单位的价值”作为一个地方易货贸易团体交换的媒介使用单位根据批准的税收。
